Invoices Report

The Invoices report lists all available invoices in the system, with access to detailed invoice and bill to party information.

  1. In the main menu, select Billing, Reports, then Invoices.

    Upon navigating to the page, the system evaluates the user's administrative level and the position of their office within the organizational hierarchy. If the user has access to multiple billing entities, the system displays the Billing Entity panel at the top of the landing page.

    From the Billing Entity panel, the user can select which billing entity resources to work with. Once a billing entity is selected, the system refreshes and displays the requested resources associated with that billing entity.

    Billing Entity Select the appropriate billing entity. Once a selection is made, the system refreshes and returns the results, filtered according to the selected billing entity.

    Note: Once selected, the name of the billing entity is displayed in the header of the Billing Entity panel. Filtering of system resources persists as the user navigates to other sections of the billing module until another billing entity is selected or the session ends.

    The Invoices page opens.

    The list of invoices can be sorted, filtered, and exported, among other options.  For more information on working with grids, see the Using Grids section.

  2. Additional information is available through the report.

    • Click a link in the Invoice Number column to view the Invoice details window.
    • Click a Bill To Party link to open the Bill To Party detail window.

    The General Information panel displays the details of the Bill To Party, such as the name, address, phone number, fax number, email address, and account number.  Click Close to close the window.